Munster Development update To end July 2022
1. Dev squads
WATERFORD hosted the u15 blitz on Sun 24 th July. KK x 2, Tipp x 2, Cork x 2, Wat x 1.
CLARE hosted the u15 blitz on Sat 9 th July. Lim x 2, Tipp x 2, Cork x 2, Offaly, Galway x 2, Clare x 2.
GALWAY hosted the u16B / C fun blitz on Sat 9 th July. Gal x 2, Tipp x 1, Lim x 2.
KERRY hosted an u14 / 15 fun blitz on Sat 9 th July. Kerry u14 & 15 v Clare U14 A & B.
WATERFORD hosted the Maimie O’ Meara U14 blitz on Sunday 19 th June. Wat x 3, Cork x 3, Tipp x 3, Lim x 2.
MUNSTER hosted an u15 / u16B C fun blitz on Sat 7 th May. 19 teams participated.
TIPPERARY hosted the u15 & u16B & C fun blitz Sat 14 th May. 11 teams participated.
CLARE hosted 2 groups of u14 fun blitz on Sat 14 th May.
LIMERICK hosted the u15 & u16B & C fun blitz Sat 21 st May. 13 teams participated.
TIPPERARY hosted u17 teams in a fun blitz on Sun 29 th May.
The Tipp, Lim, Clare, Galway, (Kerry) u17 teams played round robin games the 6 th , 13 th , 20 th March
U14 A B C D dev squads had 3 Munster coordinated days – plus their own intercounty challenge games
U15 A B C dev squads had 7 Munster coordinated days – plus their own intercounty challenge games
U16 B C dev squads had 7 Munster coordinated days – plus their own intercounty challenge games
U17 dev squads had 5 Munster Coordinated days – plus their own intercounty challenge games
The GAA runs blitzes for regional teams simultaneously with the elite Dev squad structure. For example, the day Tipp
u15A & B played Galway & Cork recently, Cork Mid, Cork East, Galway East, Tipp South, Lim South etc played blitz
games. Players mature at different ages and running the divisional / regional squads ensures the don’t get lost in any
one year. i.e. A lad may not be at the level at 14, but could make Tipp u14 or u15 South and by 17 may have progressed
onto the minor panel.
2. Grant 6 scheme [CR / BD]
Applications were proposed & ratified at the last meeting. Work to commence from July 2022 to June 2023.
3. Grant 5 Summary [CR / RL / SR]
Clare €5,531. Cork €8,265. Kerry €1,364. Limerick €2,085. Tipperary €7,803. Waterford €4,500. Total spend was
[Awaiting Bank details for last grant 5 submission €225 from Seandun, Togher NS]
Schools that got coaching in club/school link:
Tipp Mid = Gortnahoe NS, St Pat’s Thurles NS. Tipp South = Pres Clonmel NS, Carrig On Suir NS.
Seandun = GS Chriost Ri, Togher NS. Carberry = Skibbereen, Bantry, Dunmanway
Kerry = Ballyduff NS, Pres Tralee NS. Limerick = Abbeyfeale NS, Templegalantine NS, Nwest NS.
Waterford West = Ballyduff NS Waterford East = Mercy NS, Our Lady GC NS.
Clare = St. Fanahan’s, Clarecastle NS, Knockerra NS, Kilrush NS, Kilkee NS, Doonbeg NS, Ogonelloe NS.
Avondhu = Banteer NS, Buttevant NS, Charleville NS, Mallow NS, Milford NS, Millstreet NS, Ballyhea NS, Newtown NS, PS Na
Toirbhirte NS,
Muskerry = Ballyvongane NS, Clondrihid NS, Farran NS, Firmount NS, Ovens NS, Rylane NS, Sc Mhuire Ballincollig, Scoil Aban, St
Lacteen’s NS.
4. Munster Long Puc (Adult = Chloe Morey, Clare & u16 Lucy Lynch, Cork) Final was Wed 13 th @ Thurles racecourse.
5. Munster Feile skills final Fri 15 th July @ Mallow Pitch 4, Started promptly at 7pm & finished at 8pm. 2 from each
County. 1 st Maebh O Brien [Cork], 2 nd Kate Hayes [Clare], 3 rd Amy Foley [Lim], 4 th Faye Sheehan [Cork], 5 th Nisha O’
Neill [Clare], 6 th Isobelle O’ Donnell [Tipp].
6. Eoin Morrissey didn’t take up the RDO position. It may be time for National to look at alternative solutions when
filling these roles?
Development Report / Summary 27 th May 2022
1. 13 u15 & 16 teams participated in the Ahane & Old Christian’s Fun blitz games on Sat 21 st May
2. 11 u15 & 16 teams participated in the Borrisoleigh & Dolla Fun blitz games on Sat 14 th May
3. 19 u15 & 16 teams participated in the Mallow & Dromina Fun blitz games on Sat 7 th May
4. 10 Teams played the 1v1 games scheduled for 21 st April
5. 18 Teams played the 1v1 games scheduled for 9 th April
6. Day 1 for the u14s was 23 rd April & the Clare blitz was scheduled for Sat 14 th May [c/o J Heffernan]
7. Tipp u17, Lim u17, Clare u17, Gal u17, Kerry u18 played 1v1 games on 6 th , 13 th , 20 th March. Tipp host blitz Sun 29 th May 10am @
Borrisoleigh GAA.
8. Grant 5 July ’21 – June ’22 Spend is €24,508 from €35.5k. Tipp spent €7,803. Waterford €4,500. Clare €5,531 out of €6k. Kerry
€764 out of €3k. Cork €5,910 out of €9k. Limerick €0 out of €6k.
9. Schools that got coaching in club/school link:
Tipp = Gortnahoe NS, St Pat’s Thurles NS, Pres Clonmel NS, Carrig On Suir NS.
Cork = GS Chriost Ri, Skibbereen, Bantry, Dunmanway, Banteer NS, Buttevant NS, Charleville NS, Mallow NS, Milford NS, Millstreet
NS, Ballyhea NS, Newtown NS, PS Na Toirbhirte NS, Ballyvongane NS, Clondrihid NS, Farran NS, Firmount NS, Ovens NS, Rylane NS,
Sc Mhuire Ballincollig, Scoil Aban, St Lacteen’s NS.
Kerry = Ballyduff NS, Pres Tralee NS.
Clare = St. Fanahan’s, Clarecastle NS, Knockerra NS, Kilrush NS, Kilkee NS, Doonbeg NS, Ogonelloe NS.
Waterford = Ballyduff NS, Mercy NS, Our Lady GC NS.
10. Munster Colleges AGM was last Wednesday – fixtures uploaded on the website www.munstercollegescamogie.ie
Best wishes to Stuart Reid on his new career – massive loss to our Development group, his innovation and ability to get things done
will be difficult to replicate.
11. All Ireland Colleges AGM this Sat 11am. Suggestion of ¼ & Semis being half way. Proposed dates of final 17 th March, same as
the boys.